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Company News

Morninghan received an order from Kinetic, a strategic partner

In the full spring season, good news comes like the spring breeze. On March 26, Morninghan Intelligent ushered in an important order from its strategic partner Kinetic - the charger order. The signing of this order not only highlights the strength and reputation of Morninghan Intelligent in the industry, but also indicates the further deepening of the cooperation between the two sides and jointly write the future chapter of intelligent technology.


As a strategic partner of Morninghan Intelligence, Kinetic and the two parties have maintained a close cooperative relationship in the field of two-wheeled vehicle intelligence. The signing of this order is not only a strong recognition and high trust for the strength of Morninghan intelligent brand, but also an expectation for future cooperation and development


The acquisition of this order is of great significance to Morninghan Intelligence. It will bring new development opportunities for the company and help the company achieve more outstanding achievements in the field of intelligent charging. At the same time, this will further consolidate Morninghan Intelligence's leading position in the industry and lay a solid foundation for the company's long-term development.


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